
Ivanka Trump,

Fashion entrepreneur and Founder, #womenwhowork initiative.

On work ethic, and running in heels (heels that one has designed oneself no less) and her new chain of spas debuting in Vancouver a few months after the birth to her third child.


Martha Sturdy,

Artist, founder of Martha Sturdy Originals.

On going back to art school in her 30s after her husband left her and building an international brand that started with jewellery, then housewares, then sculptures, then houses (where Bono likes to stay when he’s in town). If she can’t find what she likes, she builds it.


Shannon Wilson,

Co-Founder and creative director of international fashion brand Kit & Ace, founding designer of Lululemon Athletica, philanthropist.

On how to combine family and work life in unexpected ways (“We have a fabric meeting today and oh, we’re also out of milk”) and not being afraid to get her hands dirty. Her work building latrines at schools in Africa has meant hundreds of girls can go to school for the first time.


Susie Wall,

TV personality, Rogers Media, susiewallstyle.com

On the relentless pace of being a media personality, working the red carpet, and making it to the PTA meeting every time (even if in full TV makeup and gold lame pants.)


Tamara Taggart,

Anchor, CTV News at 6.

On being a public figure, a wife, a mother, and an advocate for Down Syndrome, which affects her eldest child, all while making it to the 6 o’clock news night after night.

Stephanie Vogler,

Co-founder, The Cross Décor and Design.

On building a lifestyle brand with a business partner, taking financial risks by expanding her bricks and mortar retail business when everyone else was going online, and how Instagram changed her business forever.


Andrea Scott,

Co-Founder of international spa brand, Skoah

On building a North American spa empire with her husband as her partner (after he used a shotgun clause to ditch his first partner), and no less that 4 little ones at her extremely slender hip.


Michelle Rominow,

Co-founder of Buytopia and Snap Saves, Dragon’s Den host

On how starting a company that was acquired by Groupon before she turned 30 required a lot of flying by the seat of her pants, and the “growth hacks” that got her there so fast.


Lori Joyce,

Co-founder Cupcakes with Heather and Lori, The Cupcake Girls and Better With ice cream.

On pivoting your business to create a new growth opportunity, and doing it while everyone else is telling you it can’t be done. “Just watch me,” she says.


Kristen Wood,

Founder of The Ten Spot

On how the thing that propelled her forward to build her 17-store spa brand including partnering with The Bay was, in her words her "incredible naiveté."


Kirstine Stewart,

Media Vice President of North America, Twitter, author, Our Turn

On why women are uniquely positioned to succeed in the unorthodox world of new media where women are new to the table and thus unorthodox themselves.


Emma Isaacs,

Founder and Global CEO, Business Chicks.

On how to build a network of likeminded women, attract the attention of Richard Branson, and take your company global in a few short years. Why are women in business so important? We’ll ask, straight up.


Amielle Lake,

Founder and Chief Revenue Officer, marketing technology firm Tagga



Ceri Marsh,

Author and co-Founder of the media company Sweet Potato Chronicles.

On how to navigate a start-up partnership with its sometimes precarious divisions of labour and find revenue sources in places you never thought of (Texan philanthropists?)


Kim Devin & Zoe Kelly,

Co-founders, Dr. Roebuck’s skincare.

On how to build a family brand up over a few short years, move across the world to Canada, sell 50% of it to the Weston family, and almost lose $1M in the last moments of negotiation.


Cybelle Negris,

Co-Founder, technology firm webnames.ca

On how to be trailblazers in the male dominated start-up world and play with the big boys—without becoming one of them.


Catherine Regehr,

Fashion and home designer, founder of Catherine Regehr Inc.

On how to think big, do what you love, and let fortune find you. And do so while unexpectedly becoming pregnant at age 50.


Nicole Garton,

Founder and lawyer, Heritage Law.

On finding a niche in the law business that was affecting her and women like her and building her own law firm to service it (all while wearing her signature pink Chanel suit). Plus, how automating her company so she could take a maternity leave was the best thing she could have done for its growth.